Informations CVContactez
En recherche active
  • Date de naissance : 14/04/1994
  • Nationalité : Portugal
  • Département : 83 - Var
  • Adresse :
  • Taille : 1,91
  • Poids : 92
  • Langues parlées :Portugues; Ingles; Frances
  • Agent : 29

Situation Handball

  • Catégories : Seniors
  • Niveau : D2 N1
  • Statut : Professionnel
  • Contrat : 31/06/2023

A propos

I’m a handball goalkeeper. I’ve been practicing the sport for over 20 years.

I was born in the north of Portugal and grew up in the city of Santo Tirso, Portugal.

I started playing handball at my hometown club and from then on I never stopped.

At the age of 18, I was already training with my club’s first team and later took over the position.


In 2019 I started my professional and international career in Paris.

My goal is to be able to play at the highest level and consequently be able to represent the colors of my country playing for the national team.

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